If you are interested in visiting with a group, large or small, we can accommodate you. There are a number of different things to do, and places to visit, depending on the length of time available to spend in the city.
We can provide a step-on guide for a tour of the city, which comes with many interesting stories! One stop that is a must is The Port Exploreum. This musuem of local and maritime history, as well as Lake Michigan ecology, is great fun, and educational for all, due to its hands-on, interactive technology. There are several historic buildings that shouldn't be missed. St. Mary's Church, built in 1888, can be toured, as well as our historic 1860 Lightstation museum. The Eghart House, a Victorian restoration also welcomes groups.
A little further out of town you can tour Riveredge, a 350 acre nature center, Pioneer Village, a living history village, or the Luxembourg American Cultural Center - a museum of immigration. A restored "ballroom" north of town often offers dinner theater shows and entertainment. There are several nice restaurants in town that can handle tour groups for lunch or dinner. Our hotels and bed and breakfasts welcome groups with their trademark hospitality as well. We promise to put together an enjoyable experience for your group! Contact us for more information.

On weekends, as well as occasional weekdays in the summer and early fall, volunteers help staff the Visitor Center. From greeting visitors, to answering the phone, and sending out visitor information, they are a vital and necessary part of helping us to provide excellent service to our visitors. Thanks to them, we can be open 7 days a week during this busy time. We will work with your availability and schedule. Contact us for more information.
Tourism Council Grant Program
The Tourism Council works to promote and support tourism in the greater Port Washington area. One of their initiatives is a grant program to support tourism initiatives in the city. We have funded projects as varied as special events, capital projects, signage, downtown programs, publications, and more. If you are interested in the grant program you can download an application here, or contact us for more information.