Ozaukee Master Gardener February Presentation
Date: Feb. 27, 2025
Time: 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Plants are amazing. They can even survive a Wisconsin winter! But how much do plants ‘know’ about the world around them? Do plants ‘count’ (yes)? Can they ‘tell’ the time (yes), ‘feel’ you are touching them (yes), or even ‘smell’ that you are mowing your lawn (yes)? Plants can also ‘hear’ the sound of a caterpillar attack, but are they listening to you?

Dr. Gilroy, professor in the Department of Botany at the University of Wisconsin-Madison since 2007, grew up in the United Kingdom, where “everyone is a gardener”. His research into how plants sense the world is achieved by combining time lapse imaging to following how plants respond with imaging techniques that allow us to see the action of the very molecules that make the plant work. Gilroy pursues these projects in settings that range from his laboratory at UW-Madison to experiments on the International Space Station.

Location: Sponsored by Ozaukee Master Gardeners, all are welcome to attend this free virtual talk. Registration is required. Visit www.ozaukeemastergardeners.org to sign up.
Address:  Ozaukee Master Gardeners 121 West Main Street, P
Port Washington, WI, 53024

Click here for more information »

Contact Email: davenan75@wi.rr.com
Contact Name: David Antoine
Contact Phone Number: 2623663559